Foods That Help Bad Breath – Part 1 on Foods and Bad Breath

Food, food and more food! Foods can be beneficial and they can also be harmful. There are foods that help bad breath, and foods that harm it. Foods that cure bad breath, and foods that cause it.

Many times cutting these foods out of our diet can help us live our lives with better breath. So what foods should we cut out of our diet?


  This is one of the more popular ones that people know about. Because of the Sulfuric bacteria in this food, it can give you a rather pungent smell to your breath.

Sometimes, the sulfur compounds can get into your blood through digestion, and will exit through the blood. While this doesn’t happen often for most people, it can be happening to you, if you feel as though garlic/onion seems to be lingering with you for days after you initially eat it.


Coffee is one of the things that many people go to in the morning. The thing that wakes them up, and sometimes keeps them awake all through the day. But did you know that Coffee could be the reason why you have bad breath?

Coffee will typically give people something called dry mouth. Dry mouth comes about for one reason or another because there has been a restriction of the flow of saliva. Because of that your mouth will dry out easier.

The reason dry mouth is so bad, is because it gives the bad bacteria, that produce bad breath, a good place to live. Where it is dry and warm, there the bacteria is to flourish and thrive. But where water and saliva are to help flush out the bacteria, bad breath typically can’t occur.


Alcohol, like coffee, will dry your mouth out fairly quickly. It also restricts the flow of saliva so that it won’t fight against the bad bacteria.

While Alcohol isn’t the best thing to intake, it should be noted that vodka does have properties similar to certain mouthwashes. So it may not be a bad idea to change what alcohol you intake, instead of cutting out all of it.


Not something you would think you would see on a list of foods that cause halitosis, right? Milk is an interesting food, one that has many beneficial properties. Good for general health, bone and muscle growing, milk isn’t something you want to cut out of you diet completely.

The problem with milk is that it has certain amino acids that can feed the bacteria that cause the halitosis. The best way to combat that is to just make sure that you drink water and wash your mouth out after you have milk.


Horseradish, and radishes in general, can, and often time does, have a chemical action, and reaction that will happen inside your mouth when you eat it. This cause a pretty powerful pungent smell that, to put it mildly, is a rather foul smell.

Canned Tuna/Sardines

SardinesFish on their own can have a stench with them. But when you combine them with tin, which is usually what happens, you allow for a process of oxidation to happen that can give your breath a bad smell after eating it.

While it may not be common for you to get bad breath from eating tuna or sardines, it is something that you may want to take into consideration.

Water Does Wonders

A lot of these foods can be eaten as long as proper oral hygiene is taken into effect. If you make sure to brush your teeth and floss, most of these foods shouldn’t effect you.

On top of that, drinking water after meals and snacks is also one easy way to get rid of any smells or food particles that may feed the bad, halitosis-producing bacteria. So fill up on water, and your breath may just be drowned out.

Take a look at my article, Foods That Cure Bad Breath, where I explore foods, and a few liquids, that can help clear up bad breath.


Feel free to share below any foods that you’ve had to cut out of your diet because they gave you bad breath. Or, also down below, you can drop me a question about foods and bad breath. Write back to you soon!

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